Thursday, 17 September 2020

Dogs Training Singapore

Understand The Types Of Training Services We Provide:

1. Owner will save the travelling time and transport $$$ at your Home training.
2. Owner will have a better concentration that focus specially on their dog's problem and more time will be spend at their home in the training.
3. "Every handlers in the same family" will be specially taught accordingly to the way of handling their dog.
4. Save money and pay less with the number of people (immediate family members) involved in training and your dog.
5. A better and clearer picture of your dog's problem(s) happened in your house, so that it can be rectify the problem(s)/ mistake(s) immediately.
6. We train according to the breed you had and the problems you face to fit into your home lifestyle.
7. After completion of training follow-up is important as "we don't give lip services". If you sign up for 2 days training, it will be unlimited follow-up as proven in our records!
8. During the training, you are allowed to ask any questions on your dog's problem(s), *if any?
*** PLEASE NOTE, we are Not Conducting a "normal and standard training exercise" like one standard training fee for all dogs (Others 1 trainer : 1 handler + 1 dog), where all the 5 to 8 days owners are still doing/ learning the same standard "Basic commands (Obedience)"!
You can't "compare the price" in training, if you don't engage 2 or 3 trainers to train your dog to see the differences as you don't know what they teach, how they teach or worst can they teach?
We provides different package of training that the owner's need, if you care and really interested to give your dog a "Right Training", please call 98429109 for more details. No Obligation after our quote!
All text message inquires WILL NOT be entertained like: What is your training fee, what is the cost, how much is your training, what is the price ......... %$&X@#$????
Refer to the chart, it shows clearly our fee " *from $100 onward" (max 2 pax + 1 dog) other then that please call!🤪

5 lessons training base on AVS syllabus

Our training fees as follows :
- $350/dog/handler (area: Serangoon Central, Lor Ah Soo, Potong Pasir and Bidadari Park)
- $400/dog/handler (area: 2 -5km away from Serangoon Nex)
- $450/dog/handler (area: 5km onwards from Serangoon Nex)

What is the benefits to be trained by us?
1. Cut down your travelling time
2. Save your transport cost from travelling.
3. Shorter training period and low course fee.
4. Train at the area near your home
5. Small group (2 pax to start max 4pax) better concentration and earlier commencing date.

1. At what age, my dog can join the training?
A: 3 months onward but must complete all vaccination and dog must not suffer from any infectious disease.

2. Why other is conducting 6 days training and your is 5 days?
A: Those who take up our training before will understand that we do waste time and make you pay more. Market rate for this training $500.00 - 700.00. If you need/ wish to go for an extra day, just pay for the day!

3. What are you teaching for this training?
A: Refer to AVS syllabus for ADORE program:…/accreditation-syllabus---basic-…

4. What must we prepared for this training?
A: Normal 6 feet leash and a normal collar. Only one handler and a dog can attend the training.
* Dog that is not dog friendly or with aggression problem(s), owner have to inform us in advance.

5. Can I bring treats and water for my dog during training?
A: Yes and don't forget to bring your own plastic bag to pickup it's Poo!

6. How do I know when and where is your class conducted?
A: We will update the training date and time and place in this page or you can call up for details 9842 9109 (10am- 9pm)

Promotion training from *$100 onwards for Mon. to Thurs,  maximum 2 hours booking per trip. 3rd hour additional $150/hr.

Dog/ Puppy Toilet Training "is not" Obedience Training, it involved the dog's Behaviour and Habits, Type of Environment, Owners' Lifestyle, Rectify Mistake done by owner, Structure of the House, Dog’s Health.....!
You can’t compare price for dog training, why?

Unless you are taking "Basic Obedience Training", where all the training syllabus is standard like Sit, Down, Stay and Heel exercise!

Behaviour and Problem(s) Solving need time and on the spot to analyse the problem(s), "everyone" said they are doing it. It depends on what you are taught, how details you are taught, types of service, types of solution(s) given …!


Potty / Toilet Training For Puppies & Dogs!
These are what owners was taught and told for toilet training.


Dogs Training Singapore - Golden Retriever & Maltese x Shih Tzu

Nikki 5 years old Maltshihtzu and her new sister Nova around 5 months Golden Retriever from Ireland.

Nikki was trained by us 5 years ago! She is not so friendly to certain dogs or breed. Owner are worry that she can't get along with Nova the Golden Retriever as she is new to the family.

The next issue is toilet training that may goes haywire for both dogs where Nikki is already toilet trained. As we know in other country their dogs are mainly outdoor toilet trained so to train indoor it may have difficulty!

Both dogs are taking the 2 days "Home Puppy Interactive training" which Nikki had been trained before but now is different, 2 dogs trained together!

Owner's feedback after training:
We don't teach blindly, during follow up it happened that I saw something wrong with Nova's pee and owner had took our advised so problem(health) solved. She save at least $100 -200 medical fee!


Bambi started her training with the approval from AVS during Covid 19 open in phrase 1, as owner has waited about 2 months for the biting habits to be solved!

Training dogs during this Covid period with Mask on is a challenging job for everyone as command given to the dog must be clear and have the impact during the training. At times got to repeat and explain again and again so that owners can get what it means for what was taught during the training!

Owner's feedback after training:


Bailey pee and poo the whole house!

5 months old Bailey GoldenDoodle take up 2 hours Home Toilet Training.

For toilet training it depends on how bad the habits and situation was, the longer you drag for training the worse it will be!

Anyone can teach toilet training 15 mins/ 1 hrs /2 hrs, it depends how serious the dog's problem is and how details the trainer teach!

Owner's feedback after training:

Owners are taught to rectify and how to solve the problem(s) when mistake are made by their dog!


Haru 9 mths old Shiba Inu take up the 3 Hours Home Consultation training.

Problems: like to go to the sofa, toilet training, Very timid to go outside, don't walk, call him no respond!


2 years 1 month old Cookie Pomeranian take up the 3 hours Home Consultation Training.

Problems: Barks a lot at anything, Toilet training, Separation Anxiety, don't Pay Attention and Obedience.


8 months old Lily Pomeranian take up the 2 Days Home Puppy Interactive Training

Problems: Toilet Training, Hyperactive can't sit still, Jumpy, excite on tissue paper, bite leash....

Owner's feedback after training:


7 months Milo Poodle take up 2 days Home Puppy Interactive Training

Problems: very Excited Jumpy, can't put on leash, Barks, toilet training.....


5 months old Holly Corgi take up 2 days Home Puppy Interactive Training

Problems: toilet training, pee and poo step all over, eat messy, pee on her bed, can't put collar and sit, don't
walk .......

Onwer's Feedback:

10 years old HuHu poodle trained by us around 10 years ago, when she was a puppy during the class training. Now take up the 3 hrs Home Consultation Training, just started to stay with the family for a year as she has been staying with the owner's mum since puppy for 9 years! Now her mum is old and she have to take back to stay with her family together with her daughters! Problems: 8 years old daughter has allergy to her saliva, Dash and bark at people and some aggression problems.

Daughter has allergy to her saliva, owner's feedback:

10 months Miu Miu Japanese Spitz take up 2 days Home Puppy Interactive training.公幼犬 日新犬舍 狐狸狗

Problems: Toilet training, sleep in the tray, play bite, bite own tail, jumpy, can't carry too hyperactive .....

This girl is one of the most super hyperactive female dog that I evermet, won't tone down and stay still...


3 mths+ Xiao Bao Miniature Schanuzer Takeup 2 Days Home Puppy Interactive Training Problems: Toilet training, too active to control, chase and bite, pickup anything on the floor and eat, bark...

Owner's feedback after 1st day of training!


4 mths+ SooKee ChowSpitz take up 2 days Home Puppy Interactive Training 鬆獅犬 混合 公幼犬 日新犬舍 狐狸狗

Problems:Toilet Training, Bark at 5am, Not listening, Disturb the kids and bite them sometime, sometimes behaves aggressive...

The earlier you give your puppy with a "proper training", the easier you can control and achieved what you need!

After the 1st day training, owner's feedback

After 1 year owner try to re home and help an untrained Chow Spitz


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