Monday, 26 August 2019

2019 Home Training Update 一到两天. 狗儿服从认厕所和好行为训练!


一到两天. 狗儿服从认厕所和好行为训练!

Our training services goes beyond Obedience & Behavioral training!

Hotline (9842 9109) 10am to 9pm

Terms and Conditions (Dogs Training By DR-DOGS.COM)
  • Upon filling up and sign on the “dog’s training application form”, owner are liable and agreed with all the terms and conditions stated by DR-DOGS.COM
  • The Terms and Conditions of our training are subjected to changes without prior notice.
  • Details & particular filled by the owner personally in the “dog’s training application form” are acknowledge by the owner and to be true.
  • Acknowledge letter and details of the terms and conditions will be mail to the owner(s) for class training only as for home training owner can only refer online at or any changes in our terms and conditions, we will only update in our blog.
  • For Home Individual or Consultation Behavior Problem(s) Solving, DR-DOGS.COM trainer will only follow up according to the problem(s) brought up by the owner during the training period. Follow up is not for unlimited and any follow up that is not related to what has brought out during the training DR-DOGS.COM will have the rights to charge a service fee.
  • For Home Puppy Interactive Handling and Training, follow up are unlimited but according to the time & availability of the trainer.
  • For Home Puppy Interactive Handling and Training, owner are able to bring out problem(s) that was not covered during the training and the trainer will try his best to assist the owner.
  • For Home Puppy Interactive Handling and Training, the 2 days course have to be complete within 2 week (1 week apart), any delay we will have the right to crease the training or charge an addition cost for it.
  • For Home Puppy Interactive Handling and Training, the follow up service will be crease once the dog is transfer to a different owner or address.
  • DR-DOGS.COM are not be responsible that our training will meet the expectation for all owner(s). As every individual has different expectation or preferences.
  • Owner(s) have to understand for aggressive problem(s) solving, owner have to trust the trainer professionalism in handling of their dog and the trainer or DR-DOGS.COM will not claim any injuries / loss cause by the dog, if the owner have already stated their dog is aggressive in the “dog’s training application form”.
  • Indirectly in the event when the dog attack the trainer/ assistance during the training or handling or controlling the owner’s dog. Any injuries / loss from the dog, owner(s) have to agree not to claim against the company (DR-DOGS.COM) or trainer for any of the expenses.
  • If the owner(s) have gave a false detail(s) by declaring that their dog(s) is not aggressive or by leaving any blank(s) in the form. Any damage/ injuries / loss by DR-DOGS.COM or the trainer or the assistance, owner(s) have to be fully responsible for all the loss or injuries or legal fee claim against the owner.
  • DR-DOGS.COM are not be responsible or owner(s) must not hold DR-DOGS.COM responsible for any unforeseen accident/ incident happened to their dog/ owner(s) during the training ( Class/Home)
  • No refund upon the commencement of training date (Home/ Class).


It is understood for all our customers (dogs' owner) knew that we will post all our training videos in our facebook, blog or youtube as they get to know us from there!

** As we respect the owner's wish/ concern, if owner(s) do not wish their training video to be shown to the public, they are advise to inform us (in advance) before the training start "so that we won't waste any of our time compiling all the individual video clips into a video"!

3 months Inuka Maltipoo recommended by Cody's owner to take up 
2 days Home Puppy Interactive Training.马耳他混合贵宾犬
Problems: Jump alot, barks, chase mop, don't like to be comb and vaccum cleaner nipping ,toilet training, too hyperactive.

Owner's feedback and our followup!

3 month plus Lucky Shiba Ina Take up 2 days Home Puppy Interactive training.柴犬
Problems: bites hands, aggressive growl, can't groom, don't listen and focus, very stubborn and don't give way, jumping and toilet training.

Puppy/ Dog Problem(s) Solving and Training *$100/hr
Usual Fee $150/hr Home Problem(s) Solving : Now! $100/hr (*Promo with Limited Period & Condition Apply)
Mon- Thurs (10.30am - 5pm Booking): $100/hr (Valid for 5Km within Serangoon NEX)
Mon -Thurs (5pm -7pm Booking): $110/hr (Valid for 5Km within Serangoon NEX)
* Additional $10 for further destination 
* Fee quote above not for aggressive problems solving.

Other courses on Fri, Sat & Sun (Around 10.30am or 3.30pm)  :
- Home Consultation Training (3 hrs): Please Call for Fee, No Obligation
- Unlimited Followup - Home Puppy Interactive Training (2 days course) : Please Call for Fee, No Obligation
Hotline: 9842 9109 (10am to 9pm) 
Alot to digest, as we'll teach the maximum without any reserved !!!

With some patience and effort put in, Lucky finally pee and poo in the tray (indoor)
3.5 months Ponzu Shiba Inu take up the 2 days Home Puppy Interactive Training 柴犬
Problems: Chewing, toilet training, jumping, humping, barks...

Owner's feedback: Practice make perfect, every result is 
owner's effort!
Owner's feedback:Once habits or routine form badly it will take time 
and effort to change it! 
Patience is the key word and advise.

YuanYuan Poodle and DuoDuo Maltipoo first time owner wants a proper training, they take up 2 days Home Puppy Interactive Training 贵宾(妇)犬 马耳他混合贵宾犬

YuanYuan 4 months plus very serious in separation anxiety problem & DuoDuo 2 months plus very playful

Owner's feedback:

4 Months+ MoMo Japanese Spitz take up 2 days Home Puppy Interactive Training 
公幼犬 日新犬舍 狐狸狗

Problems: Not listening, don't like to be touch, toilet training and most important owner wants to have a proper training before anything goes wrong with her dog!
Owner's feedback

Mugi Shiba Inu 3 months plus take up the 2 days Home Puppy Interactive Training 柴犬
One of the most lovely and adorable dog that will always please the owner!

3 months Nuggets Maltipoo, take up 2 days Home Puppy Interactive Training! 
Problems: toilet training, play bites, jumpy, can't wear harness/ collar, can't groom,
afraid of hair dryer...
Owner's feedback
Bambi 3 months plus Welsh Corgi ,recommended by owner friend's Alfred to take up 2 days Home Puppy Interactive Training!潘布鲁克威尔士柯基犬

Owner don't wish their video to be posted in social media, so NO posting of video in Facebook / Youtube.


Meiji 1 year Old Japanese Spitz has possessive problems, owner take up a 1 day Home Consultation Training! 公幼犬 日新犬舍 狐狸狗
Owner don't wish their video to be posted in social media, so NO posting of video in Facebook / Youtube.
Don't wait till problem(s) happened, a "proper foundation training" was necessary for all puppies!

Owner's feedback

5 months Spadine Corgi,which was recommended by Choya's owner take up the 1 day 3hrs Home Consultation Training! 潘布鲁克威尔士柯基犬
Is NOT the number of days/ lessons, is the quality time for Dog Training!
Don't wait till problem(s) happened, a proper foundation training is necessary for all puppies!

Problems: Food aggression(possessive) & toilet training.

Due to owner don't wish to reveal their training/ house to the public, video was removed!
Owner's feedback

4 mths old Snowie Japanese Spitz take up 2 days Home Puppy Interactive Training. 
公幼犬  日新犬舍   狐狸狗

Berry Silky Terrier 5 years old and a Jack Russell Terrier already trained in our Class training before! 

All dogs and breed are individual and differences!
Owner's Feedback

5 months old Monty Westie x Scottish Terrier, take up 2hrs training on toilet training and obedience! 
西部高地梗狗 混合 苏格兰梗狗

This dog was back in this house for 3 days and owner wish to get him train ASAP! Owner's first dog Brutus, was trained trained by me, 14 years ago for Aggressive problem!
Owner learn what he wants to know!
Owner's feedback

Shadow 4 months old Pomsky take up the 2 days Home Puppy Interactive Training.
博美犬 混合 西伯利亚雪橇犬 Problems: Nipping/Bite, Chew anything, Barking, Pulling, Jumping, toilet training
Owner's feedback:

4 months old Milou Japanese Spitz take up 3hrs Home Consultation Training
公幼犬 日新犬舍 狐狸狗
Toilet Training, Barking, Obedience, Nipping & bitting
*Owner do not wish to have their training posted online, so is only the dog itself.
Domo French Bulldog 4 Months Old : Active and Highly Alert! 
Edo French Bulldog 4 Months Old : Very Relax and Lazy type!
Take up 2 days Home Puppy Interactive Training by both owners (brothers) whom is very committed with it, Thumbs UP!

* Owner do not wish to have their training posted online, so is only both dogs itself.
Owner's feedback:
Owner's feedback on the dogs barks in the middle of the night or early morning
Owner's feedback toilet training
Ollie 7 months Chow Chow X (rehome dog) take up
1 day 3hrs Consultation Training!鬆獅犬
Problems: Barking, Fearful, Cannot touch her Head, Don't like man, Eats very fast, Afraid of going outside.
Oreo 10 years old, trained by us when he was a little puppy!
Owner's Feedback
Haru 3 months Japanese Spitz take up the 2 days Home Puppy Interactive Training!
公幼犬 日新犬舍 狐狸狗
Problems: Barking, Toilet training, Bitting, Jumping, Separation anxiety, don't like to go outdoor and walk on leash
Owners Feedback:



  1. YES! What a great post about the imperfections of real life, and the difficulty you encounter being the primary dog person in-the-know in your house, and the need to let go and make peace with other household members having their own relationships with the dog.

  2. Thank you very much for sharing such a usefull and interesting article. I hope that you have heard about Abnormal Molar Development in Dogs as well.
